

Training can be provided by Medipure Ltd in the areas of :

  • Infection control - training for professionals within sterile health services to work in accordance with HTM 2030, 2025, 2010 and to improve skills in sterile services.
  • 17 training packages are available
  • Training can be provided around a customers specific need

Infection Control Training

  • Medipure believes that training is vital and significant to improvements in infection prevention and control
  • We understand the time constraints within the health services and therefore we offer our expertise and help to support and develop your existing and on-going needs
  • We offer customised and flexible training either at our sites in Chester and Wales our at the clients own sites or at a venue of choice.
  • Medpure has developed an extensive range of 19 training packages for staff working in the areas of infection prevention and control
  • Medipure can develop training programmes specifically to the needs of our clients
  • All training packages include course notes and manuals and each person attending the courses provided will be provided with a certificate of attendance
  • Medipure provide sterile services support contracts to healthcare trusts which includes up to 40 hours training per annum.
  • For further information about training please contact Medipure Ltd direct.
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